Vehicle Fire Alarm and Extinguishing System

The vehicle fire alarm and extinguishing system is an autonomous fire detection and extinguishing setup, containing contact temperature sensors, smoke detection sensors, extinguishing solenoids and controller module. The setup is certified for installation in public and private mass transport, cargo delivery and minibus vehicles.
The system alarms for any spontaneous fire onboard the vehicle, using the connected siren and activates fire extinguishing, using the attached extinguishers. Supported are total 3 zones. Zone 1 and 2 are dedicated for connection of contact type temperature sensors. Zone 3 is multi-purpose zone and can handle up to 20 smoke detectors, and contact temperature sensors. Zone 4 detects the condition of the extinguishing installation pressure. The system can detect fault conditions in any zone, which includes short circuit of the zone, open condition and missing smoke detector, as well as low pressure of the extinguishing gas. The integrated buzzer indicates fault condition of any zone. In addition each zone has two dedicated LEDs - for zone fault and alarm condition. Alphanumerical 2x16 symbols LCD display presents the current state of the device and outputs useful messages for each individual zone.

The control panel of the system is connected to all zones and powered from the vehicle accumulator. The vehicle ignition key position is monitored and the system is active only when the engine is running. The LCD display activates after system is started and if there are no faults and alarms, it stays inactive. Upon any activation, the LCD outputs the events. Supported are many interface languages, and currently integrated are English, Turkish, Serbian. The control panel has four buttons. The "TEST" button activates the internal buzzer and the external siren, it is used for periodic test of the alarm sound capabilities. The "RESET" button performs zones state reset, all pending events are cleared, but if event source is still active, the fault/alarm events will be triggered again after the reset. The "MUTE" button deactivates the internal buzzer and external siren during the fault and alarm conditions. The "MANUAL EXTINGUISH" button, upon long press, activates the fire extinguish action, it will stay active until device reset.
The device firmware is based on very reliable bare metal approach. Integrated power supply monitoring allows reliable operation of the system during strong power glitches in the full range of the power supply voltage. The system is laboratory certified for automotive applications and compliant for the applicable EMC and safety standards for automotive integration

✓ Two zones, based on contact type thermal sensors for integration in the vehicle engine compartment;
✓ Single zone, supporting up to 3 x smoke detectors and contact thermal sensors, dedicated for installation in the passengers compartment;
✓ External siren control output, for direct connection to external siren, activated during alarm events, integrated short circuit protection;
✓ Extinguisher control output. Activated if more than one zone is in alarm condition. Integrated short circuit protection;
✓ Ignition key monitoring input. Allows automatic device activation based on the vehicle ignition key position;
✓ Four user controlled buttons, for buzzer test, force manual extinguishing, zones reset and sound suspend actions;
✓ 16x2 alpha-numeric LCD display outputs the system status and all active events;
✓ Reliable firmware, based on bare metal approach, integrated power supply monitoring;
✓ Compliant to the applicable EMC and safety standards for automotive application;

Connection diagram

The connection diagram is completely designed, according to the functional and technical requirements for the system. The control panel can detect short circuit, open circuit and missing smoke detector condition. Separate line is monitoring the vehicle ignition key position. The extinguishing gas pressure is monitored with dedicated circuit. Additional fire LED indicator can be connected to the siren output, allowing visible feedback for active alarm condition. Three zones are supported, two simplified zones, including temperature contact sensors, one complex type zone, including up to 3x non addressable smoke detectors and contact temperature sensors

✓ Two simplified zones, using contact type temperature sensors;
✓ One complex zone, supporting up to 3x non addressable smoke detectors and additional contact temperature sensors;
✓ Complete zones circuit monitoring, detecting short circuit, open circuit and missing smoke detector conditions;
✓ Additional zone monitoring of extinguishing gas pressure;
✓ Output for external siren, activated during alarm condition;
✓ Output for extinguisher solenoid, activated upon alarm condition, or manual extinguish;

Provided services

✓ Providing technical requirements documentation and key components selection, based on the functional description;
✓ Development of prove-of-concept prototypes, dedicated to prove the technical requirements for the zones circuits;
✓ Schematic design of the alarm control panel, based on the selected key components, PDF export for customer's review;
✓ PCB design, pcb mechanical integration in the selected device enclosure;
✓ Production of first version prototype set, organizing PCBs, components, prototypes assembly;
✓ Firmware design. Design of basic driver firmware modules, design of application level firmware, in circuit debug and testing. hardware and firmware optimization;
✓ In-field tests for all devices with maximum supported sensors from each type. Long-term in-field tests;
✓ Applying for automotive certification, based on the applied EMC and safety certificates requirements. Representing the customer to the EMC laboratory and performing the certification tests;
✓ Design and providing complete production and user documentation;