Electricity Metering 4G/LTE Gateway System

Electricity Metering 4G/LTE Gateway System is a communication system based on a cellular 4G/LTE service that enables remote metering of electrical energy. The system consists of a 4G/LTE communication device connected to a standard three-phase or single-phase electricity meter via an RS485 interface. The communication device performs periodic readout at fixed time intervals and sends the data to a remote server using a TCP session over the 4G/LTE cellular service. The device can be configured through a provided RS232 configuration interface, as well as remotely via the remote server. The system includes both software for configuration via RS232 and software for visualizing the received data. The communication protocol used is specifically designed to meet all the functional requirements of the system. Two LED indicators provide information to the user about the remote server connection status and the activity of the RS485 interface.

4G/LTE Gateway Device

The 4G/LTE gateway device is compatible with all single and three-phase electricity meters which provide IEC62056-21 protocol standard over RS485 interface. The device has an industrial GSM/4G/LTE certified communication module that provides a reliable 4G/LTE communication service. It is powered by phase voltage from the electrical grid, which simplifies its installation and eliminates the need for an external power adapter. Two LED indicators provide real-time information about the remote server connection status and the RS485 activity. The device’s firmware is fully developed and optimized according to the specific functional requirements of the system. It is based on the real-time operating system FreeRTOS, which offers both great flexibility and high reliability. The TCP session used for connection to the remote server is initiated by the communication device, and its parameters can be configured. The device includes non-volatile memory, allowing storage of all meter readouts for a period of one week. Upon remote server connection lost, all unsent readouts are automatically transmitted once the connection is restored. The device supports firmware updates via the RS232 interface or through the 4G/LTE communication service. It supports session termination mode, during which the device operates as a TCP server. Supported is fully encrypted and plaintext communication, as well as fully transparent mode, which provides direct communication between the meter and the remote server.

✓ RS485 interface for connection to the electric meter;
✓ RS232 interface for initial configuration;
✓ Certified 4G/LTE module with support for an external GSM antenna;
✓ Non-volatile memory for storing the recorded readouts;
✓ Built-in power supply module, allowing operation without an external power adapter;
✓ Type “Mini” SIM card holder (25mm x 15mm);
✓ LED indicators for connection status and RS485 interface activity;
✓ Jumpers for restoring factory settings and setting the mode;
✓ SMA connector for external GSM antenna;
✓ DIN rail mounting enclosure, simplifying the installation process;
✓ Firmware, based on a reliable and flexible real-time operating system;
✓ Support for IEC62056-21 communication standard for connection to the electricity meter;
✓ Support for TCP session and DNS protocol for connection to the remote server or client;
✓ Support for firmware updates via RS232 interface or the remote server over the 4G/LTE communication service;
✓ Support for session termination with timeout provides fast and efficient network usage with minimal resources;
✓ Support for fully encrypted and plaintext communication modes;
✓ Capability for transparent communication between the electric meter and the remote server;

RS232 Configuration Software

The configuration software uses the RS232 interface to connect to the communication device. The software provides full configuration of all device settings, and it can read/modify/write any group of device parameters: reading interval, 4G/LTE settings, TCP session settings, as well as meter RS485 communication related settings. Device reset, factory reset and Firmware update can be performed from the easy to use GUI interface of the software. It also allows enable and configure encrypted communication mode.

✓ RS232 interface to connect to the device;
✓ Read/Modify/Write all device parameters;
✓ Configuration of periodic readout parameters;
✓ Configuration of connection and TCP session parameters;
✓ Configuration of RS485 parameters for meter communication;
✓ Service commands for restoring factory settings and device restart;
✓ Configuring encrypted and plaintext communication mode parameters;

Communication Server Software

The communication server software establishes a remote connection with the device and displays the received readouts. The software can creates a TCP server or TCP client used for device connection in all modes. It can configure all device settings, including automatic readout timeout, communication settings, TCP session settings, and RS485 communication settings. All settings are changed in real time, which are applied after device restart.
The communication server software demonstrates the used communication protocol and has been developed according to the system’s specific requirements. Additionally, the software provides read and sync of the meter real time clock, controlling a meter integrated relay contact, meter event log processing, meter load profile processing. The readout data is received both in text format, which is displayed in a text console, and in digital format, which is shown in the respective fields.
The real time and memory readouts are stored in respective LOG files for future analysis, containing data for one 24-hour period and includes both the meter sample time and the readout receipt time. The LOG file format allows sorting, according to any available readout parameter. The software also allows configuring of encrypted and plaintext communication modes. It provides easy testing of the transparent communication mode, provided by the device.

✓ Build-in TCP server for TCP session initiated by the device;
✓ Build-in TCP client for TCP session initiated to the device;
✓ Read, modify, and save all device parameters;
✓ Configuration of the automatic readout interval;
✓ Configuration of connection parameters;
✓ Configuration of TCP session related parameters;
✓ Configuration of RS485 communication parameters;
✓ Available service commands for device restart, factory reset, session control, and firmware update;
✓ Process meter options: real-time clock, relay contact, event log, load profile;
✓ Receive and visualize reports in real time in text format according to the IEC62056-21 standard;
✓ Receive and visualize reports in real time in digital format in the respective visualization fields;
✓ Storing all real-time and memory readouts in a LOG files, including meter sample time and redout received time;
✓ Bidirectional control of the TCP session;
✓ Switching between encrypted and plaintext communication modes;
✓ Configuring and switching between the supported non-transparent and transparent communication types;

Provided services

✓ Creation of the final technical specification for development and selection of key components based on the provided functional requirements;
✓ Development of the communication concept and the communication protocol used;
✓ Hardware design of the device schematic diagram, based on the selected key components;
✓ Design of the device printed circuit board (PCB), integration into the chosen DIN rail mounting box;
✓ Prototype production, organizing PCB and components, production of the prototype series;
✓ Firmware design and integration of the basic firmware modules and key blocks for operation.
✓ Firmware design, integration and optimization of the application level functionality;
✓ Design of the configuration software PC application, based on the RS232, used for configuration interface;
✓ Design of the Communication Server PC application, based on the used communication concept and protocol;
✓ Production documentation design: Installation instructions, and communication protocol description;
✓ Users documentation design: User’s guide documentation.