Electricity Metering GPRS Gateway System is a complete communication and telemetry system, dedicated for remote electricity readout and remote control. The System consists of metering GSM/GPRS gateway, connected to standard single or three phase electricity meter, using RS485 interface. The GPRS gateway automatically performs readout on fixed time interval and sends the readout data to remote server, using TCP socket over GPRS connection. The device is fully configurable by RS232 configuration port, or by the remote server. The system includes both RS232 configuration tool software and the remote data visualization software. The system communication protocol at application level is developed and customized to meet the customer target requirements. The device allows remote control of relay contact, controlled by the server application. Two LEDs provide valuable information for the connection status and RS485 activity.
GPRS Gateway Device
The GPRS gateeway device is compatible with single and three phase energy meters, which supports RS485 data interface communication over IEC62056-21 communication standard. The device includes industrial GSM/GPRS pre-certified module, providing reliable GPRS data connection. It is supplied directly by AC mains power, reducing the external AC power adapter. The RS485 interface is supplied with complete opto-isolation circuit. Two LEDs provide status information for the network status and the RS485 activity.
The device firmware is tightly customized, according to the customer specific functional requirements. It is based on the industry standard FreeRTOS Real Time Operating System, combining great design flexibility and high reliability.
The server TCP socket connection is device originated and fully configurable. The device is equipped with 16mbit non volatile memory, capable of storing previous readouts, and later resend the information if connection problems exists, thus allowing more than one week of readouts storage
✓ RS485 interface for electricity meter connection, completely opto-isolated;
✓ RS232 interface for local device configuration;
✓ Pre-certified GPRS module and external GSM antenna support;
✓ Onboard non-volatile memory for readout storage and resend;
✓ Integrated mains power supply, minimizing external components;
✓ SIM card holder for "Mini" SIM card type (25mm x 15mm);
✓ Remote controlled relay contact for external circuit remote control;
✓ Status LEDs, indicating the connection and RS485 activity and status;
✓ Jumpers for settings factory reset and mode of operation;
✓ SMA GSM antenna connector, allowing external GSM antenna;
✓ Optimized DIN rail mounted enclosure for easy mechanical fix;
✓ Real Time Operating System firmware approach, using 16bit MCU;
✓ Supporting IEC62056-21 communication standard for energy meter communication;
✓ Supporting TCP Socket and DNS protocol for remote connection, device originated;
The RS232 Configuration Tool performs GPRS gateway configuration and adjustment of all configurable parameters. The software uses RS232 port for device connection. Can read, modify, write all parameters, including the readout sample interval, GPRS settings, TCP socket settings, as well as the meter communication settings, required by the IEC62056-21 standard. The software can perform service actions - Factory reset and device restart
✓ Using RS232 interface for device service connection;
✓ Read, modify, write all configurable parameters;
✓ Configure readout sample time interval;
✓ Configure GPRS related settings;
✓ Configure connection related settings;
✓ Configure meter communication settings;
✓ Execute service actions - Restart and fatory reset of the device;
The Communication Server Software provides remote connection and device visualization data. The software connection is based on TCP server, which receives connection from single GPRS gateway. The server software can perform configuration of all gateway parameters, Sample time, GPRS parameters, Connection parameters and Meter connection parameters. All settings can be changed in real time and applied after device restart. The server software demonstrates the developed communication protocol and is tightly optimized, according to the specific customer requirements. Additionally, the server and communication protocol provide possibility for meter time/date read and modify. All incoming data from single readout is received as simple readout text, according to the IEC62056-21 standard and visualized in text console. The real time and memory is sent also as binary formatted data, which is visualized in the server software. All received data is stored in LOG file with included received timestamp and can be later visualized and further processed
✓ Using TCP socket listener for remote gateway connection;
✓ Read, modify, write all configurable parameters;
✓ Configure readout sample time interval;
✓ Configure GPRS related settings;
✓ Configure connection related settings;
✓ Configure meter communication settings;
✓ Can execute service actions - Restart and fatory reset of the device;
✓ Configure the meter time/date;
✓ Readout text visualization on dedicated console window;
✓ Readout binary data visualization of the supported from the system data;
✓ LOG file storage for all received real time data, including time of receiving stamp;
✓ Internal application level connection watchdog from both ends and connection restart attempts;
Provided services
✓ Providing technical requirements documentation and key components selection, based on the functional description;
✓ Development of the application level communication concept and used protocol;
✓ Schematic design, based on the selected key components, PDF export for customer's review;
✓ PCB design, pcb mechanical integration in the sellected device enclosure;
✓ Production of first revision prototypes, order PCBs and components, organizing PCB and device assembly;
✓ Firmware design. Design of basic driver firmware modules, design of application level firmware, in circuit debug and testing. hardware and firmware optimization;
✓ Development of the Configuration tool software and used configuration connection approach;
✓ Development of the Communication server software and used configuration connection approach;
✓ Design and providing of complete production and system integration documentation, connection approach, application level protocol;
✓ Design and providing of complete user's guide documentation for the system;