Electricity Metering LoRaWAN Gateway System

Electricity Metering LoRaWAN Gateway System is a complete communication and telemetry system, dedicated for remote electricity readout and remote control. The System consists of custom designed LoRaWAN node, connected to standard single or three phase electricity meter, using RS485 interface. The LoRaWAN node automatically performs readout on fixed time interval and sends the readout data to the nearest LoRaWAN Gateway, which is part of custom designed and configured LoRa network. The device is fully configurable by the remote application server. The installed and configured LoRaWAN server communicates with the LoRa end nodes transparently. The LoRaWAN server transparently exchange the application level information of the devices with additional Application server, and thus encapsulating the LoRa network specifics. The application server connects to the LoRaWAN server, using MQTT communication standard. The application server provides WEB interface for the end user and allows easily check and process metering information, as well as full configuration of the LoRa end nodes.

LoRaWAN End Node

The LoRaWAN End Node is compatible with single and three phase energy meters, which supports RS485 data interface communication over IEC62056-21 communication standard. The device is designed, based on 8bit MCU. The firmware approach is bare metal firmware, executing the ported LoRaWAN stack and the application level tasks.The device supports internal spring type LoRa antenna, as well as external antenna, connected to SMA RF connector. The implemented AC mains power supply simplifies the installing efforts. The communication protocol at application level is implemented, according to the LoRaWAN standard limitations and is completely optimized, according to the dedicated system requirements. The information between the End node and the LoRaWAN server is transmitted encrypted, with custom network key, and the devices are compliant to loRa class 1 devices and Over The Air Activation /OTAA/ method, providing ease of integration.

✓ RS485 interface for electricity meter connection;
✓ Highly optimized onboard LoRa transceiver circuit;
✓ Integrated mains power supply, minimizing external components;
✓ Status LED, indicating the LoRa connection activity and status;
✓ SMA LoRa antenna connector, allowing external GSM antenna;
✓ Optimized DIN rail mounted enclosure for easy mechanical fix;
✓ Bare metal firmware approach, using 8bit MCU;
✓ Supporting IEC62056-21 communication standard for energy meter communication;
✓ Supporting LoRa standard encryption with custom key and OTAA end node activation;

LoRaWAN Server

The implemented LoRaWAN server is encapsulating the entire LoRa network specifics and allow loRa based end nodes to transparently send and receive data to the application server. The server supports all LoRa network requirements, RF and gateways communication encryption, using custom encryption key, customized for each LoRa network. Gateways and LoRa End Nodes can be easily added at runtime and thus the network infrastructure changed, according to the customer needs. There is no physical limitation of the End nodes or gateways count. The server supports many protocols for transparent information exchange with the application server: WebSocket, HTTP, MQTT, AMQP 0-9-1 to the RabbitMQ. For th Lora infrastructure side, the server supports LoRaWAN gateways, based on Packed Forwarder exchange, as well as Basic Station LNS Protocol.

✓ Created on highly optimized Erlang communication language;
✓ Unlimited support for Gateways and LoRa End Nodes;
✓ Supports all LoRaWAN basic encryption system with custom network keys;
✓ Supports Gateways, based on "Packed Forwarded" and "Basic Station LNS Protocol";
✓ Supports application server communication protocols: WebSocket, HTTP, MQTT, AMQP 0-9-1 to the RabbitMQ;
✓ Supports configurable warning e-mail events for easy management;
✓ Runtime network infrastructure change, adding new gateways and LoRa end nodes;

Application Server

The Application Server Software is complete system management and data process system. It contains SQL Database, storing all receive metering readouts and all device settings. The server is accessed by dedicated WEB interface, supporting complete user three management. The energy readout data management allows data sorting and charts generation, export in .xls files of sorted data. The application server allows complete Lora Nodes configuration, using the LoRa network. The communication protocol with the LoRaWAN server is based on MQTT protocol. The database model allows very flexible definitions of measurement points, LoRa End Nodes and Energy meters objects, multi-point measurements, and object abstracion. The used measurement model is completely custom designed, according to the project specifics

✓ Using RabbitMQ for communication with the LoRaWAN server;
✓ Provide WEB interface for user interaction;
✓ Supports SQL database for all energy measurement information storage;
✓ Supports Complete LoRa devices configuration from the user control panel;
✓ Supports flexible energy measurement sorting methods, based on time, valye and type of measurement;
✓ Supports sorted data visualization, generating charts and .xls file export;
✓ Supports users management and administrative control over the WEB interface;

Provided services

✓ Research and Development of the complete system architecture, based on the customers requirements and proposals;
✓ Prove of concept tests of the selected LoRaWAN server, building LoRa network infrastructure and perfoming network stress tests;
✓ Hardware design of the LoRa End Node, SCH, PCB, mechanical design, based on the selected key components and selected enclosure. PDF export for customer's review;
✓ Firmware design of the LoRa End Node. Porting the LoRaWAN software stack branch, to the custom hardware board, integrating of the application level firmware;
✓ Performing LoRa network RF tests, evaluating the RF design and the optimal network infrastructure;
✓ Development of the application level communication protocol, according to the functional requirements and LoRaWAN network specifics;
✓ Integration of the selected LoRaWAN server, building custom LoRa network;
✓ Design of the Application server and its modules: Database, Web interface, LoRa server communication;
✓ Production of LoRa End Node prototypes, order PCBs and components, organizing device assembly;
✓ Integrating the complete system at customer's infrastructure;
✓ Development of service documentation for LoRaWAN network management and support;
✓ Development of user's documentation, adding measurement points and energy meters;